Category: Cassiobury Park

Light Painting in Cassiobury Park

Light Painting in Cassiobury Park

Cassiobury Park in Watford is a great spot for light painting photography. The darkness and open spaces make it ideal for capturing long exposures, and

Colourscape in Cassiobury Park

Colourscape has landed in Cassiobury Park after a false start last year it is now happening to spread all colourful goodness in the park. On

Stargazing at Cassiobury Park Hub

An amazing turn out for the 50th anniversary event for the South West Herts Astronomical Societies star gazing in Cassiobury Park, Watford. When I arrived

Snow in Watford

Snowy Watford in December 2017

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…. Its been a longtime in waiting for a decent snow fall in Watford, more than 7

Fireworks in Cassiobury Park

Watford Fireworks in Cassiobury Park

It was the annual fireworks display in Cassiobury Park on Saturday. Fortunately the rain held off and the 40,000+ crowd packed the park, perfect weather

Cassiobury Park Hub exhibition

Photography Exhibition in Watford

A selection of my Watford photographs are on display for 6 weeks at the Cassiobury Park Hub in Watford. I am happy to announce that

Peace Hospice Care – Night Light Walk

On a balmy saturday evening over 600 walkers participated in a walk around Cassiobury park for the Peace Hospice Care charity. The atmosphere was brilliant