
Watford Weather in October

What a month October was this year it can be summed up in one word wet. There was record rainfall across the country, on the

Amazon Prime Photography deals

Below I have listed some amazing deals for photographers on Amazon Prime Day which occurs on the 13th & 14th October 2020. These deals are

Kara Walker sculpture at Tate Modern

It had been a while since I had been in the Tate Modern and last Monday I ventured there for the press preview of the Bruce Nauman exhibition

Bruce Nauman exhibition at Tate Modern

Bruce Nauman exhibition opens at the Tate Modern from 7th October till 21st February 2021. Taking you on a journey through his contemporary art using

Watford Weather In September

Its been a tale of two halves this month with a warmish first half and then it tailed off to become quite cold. At one

Watford weather in August

It has been a strange month, if you lived in the south of the UK you most likely would have enjoyed a warm summer month.

Watford weather in July 2020

July ended up just below average the first month of the year to do this, but it would have been well below average if it

Rainbow over Watford

Watford weather in June 2020

It’s not been a flaming June this year but it has been a warmer than average month. We had one intense heatwave which lasted for

Imagine Festival 2019

Imagine Watford 2019

Imagine Watford Festival was back again for its 9th year in 2019, bringing fun and entertainment to Watford’s streets. It took place between 28th &

Spring 2020 in Watford

Weather in May 2020

What a month it has been with glorious sunshine and warm temperatures you could have been mistaken it was July. A record-breaking month as well

Californian Poppies in Watford

It’s not every day you see an amazing display of orange poppies in Watford, someone had scattered some poppy seeds and forgotten about them and

Cheslyn Gardens in Watford

Cheslyn Gardens Watford 2020

The beautiful Cheslyn Gardens is now in full bloom as spring is near its end. Sitting in one of the many seats in the garden

LFW February 2020 – Jenn Lee

It was London Fashion Week in February 2020 and I am writing this blog in May after starting the 7th week of lockdown in the

Weather in April 2020

Its been a record month for sunshine across the UK which makes a change from the start of the year. April showers didn’t appear until

Star trails across Watford

Tutorial – Star trails

Welcome to another tutorial, this time we are going make a star trail photograph like the one above which I took on the peak of