Tag: design

Flash mob with Pierre Garroudi

The flamboyant fashion design Pierre Garroudi has started back his flash mobs across London in August and has continued them into December. Crisscrossing all over

Tutorial – Twirl your photograph

These psychedelic images are produced from real photographs using some of the tools in Adobe Photoshop. Creating a beautiful abstract arty picture. Below are the

London Fashion Week 2019

On / Off Fashion show September 2019

It was the final show of London Fashion Week September 2019 and it was the turn of emerging international fashion designers. The catwalk was colourful

100% Design at Olympia, London

Its that time of the year again when 100% Design opens its doors. Showcasing new and upcoming artists from around the world. This is the

Design on the wall of the turkish restaurant in #islington #london #art #design