Tag: Meteorology

Trooping the Colour - Queens 90th birthday

Platinum Jubilee for Photographers

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee for photographers As any photographer knows, a good photo is all about timing. Capturing a decisive moment that cannot be repeated.

Trooping the Colour - Queens 90th birthday

Queen’s Jubilee Weather

Queen’s Jubilee Weather over the Platinum Jubilee Weekend 2022 As the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee approaches with the long bank holiday weekend, we can’t help but

Weather in May 2021

A month of contrasts in the UK compared to April the rains returned and some places had a deluge. It was still cold but warm

Weather in April 2021

Looking back on Aprils weather in the UK and around the world. April in the UK is normally known for its showers. But this year

Weather in March 2021

After the cold of February, March was a slow burner, it got warmer. Easterly winds from the continent resulted in a cool start to the

Weather in February 2021

For anyone who experienced February 2021 in the UK, you would have thought it was a cold month. But this can be very deceptive, the

Weather In January 2021

A cold start to the month across the UK with snow in places and mid-month storm Christoph brought about lots of rain to central England.

Winter wonderland in Watford

Snowflakes fluttering in the wind and the soft crunching sound as you walk across the snow. Ohh how I missed you! What is it about

Watford weather in December

A month of thirds with a very warm middle surrounded by cold. The CET ended up at 4.97c which made it an average month. At

Watford weather in November

November has been a windy and mild month with winds coming up from the south-west the majority of the time. November ended up being a

Watford Weather in October

What a month October was this year it can be summed up in one word wet. There was record rainfall across the country, on the

Rainbow over Watford

Watford weather in June 2020

It’s not been a flaming June this year but it has been a warmer than average month. We had one intense heatwave which lasted for

Spring 2020 in Watford

Weather in May 2020

What a month it has been with glorious sunshine and warm temperatures you could have been mistaken it was July. A record-breaking month as well

Weather in April 2020

Its been a record month for sunshine across the UK which makes a change from the start of the year. April showers didn’t appear until

Sunset in Watford

Weather In March 2020

It was a month of 2 halves as the rain relented bringing an end to the deluge which started in September last year! The continuous

Winter in Cassiobury Park

Weather In February 2020

It has been a very wet month with record-breaking rainfall, with predominantly low-pressure systems across the country they have come one after the other, they