It was a wet and chilly month with enough cold spells for some snow around. The west of the country took the brunt of the rain and wind, this was the first month of the year with a below-average temperature on the CET record. It came out at 10c which is a -0.6c fall. The CET records go back since 1656 making it the worlds longest recorded temperature series.
UK Stats
A very wet month across the UK with some places having record amounts. It was a predominantly a westerly wind across the month with Wales & north midlands picking up most of it.
21.3 °C was the maximum temperature at Trawsgoed (Dyfed) on the 1st. On the 31st a minimum temperature of -6.2 °C was recorded at Altnaharra (Sutherland). 101.0 mm of rain fell at Lebanus (Powys) on the 26th over a 24 hour period. A wind gust of 76 mph was recorded at the Needles (Isle of Wight) on the 18th.
Watford Stats
October has been rather cool, never getting above 20c which is the first time for at least 10 years that it hasn’t. The highest temperature was 19.3c on the 1st. The coldest temperature occurred on the 27th with 0.7c, there were no air frosts.
The month was wet with 68.4mm of rain, the wettest day was on the 1st with 12.9mm. There were only 11 dry days in the month.
Looking ahead to November
After a colder than usual month in October, the long-range models are looking like there will be a continuation of the theme. The UK would mostly be on the cold side of the jet which will bring surprise snowfall to some areas.

Summary for October 2019 in Watford
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 10.6
Mean (min+max) 11.0
Mean Minimum 7.2
Mean Maximum 14.9
Minimum 0.7 day 27
Maximum 19.3 day 01
Highest Minimum 11.1 day 05
Lowest Maximum 10.5 day 28
Air frosts 0
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 68.4
Wettest day 12.9 day 01
High rain rate 64.8 day 01
Rain days 20
Dry days 11
Wind (mph):
Highest Gust 15.2 day 25
Average Speed 0.5
Wind Run 360.5 miles
Gale days 0
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1020.0 day 29
Minimum 989.9 day 17
Days with snow falling 0
Days with snow lying at 0900 0
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