Its been a rather disappointing month with the UK weather being changeable with lots of showers and spells of rain. Our weather has predominately been Atlantic driven with lots of low pressure systems driving our weather. We had a warm spell at the beginning of the month which was very fleeting but overall its been a cool & wet month.
Watford Stats
In Watford our highest temperature was on the 2nd with 23.5c this was the only part of the month where we had a direct southerly winds. There was no frost with the lowest temperature of 5.0c on 1st, it was a fairly wet month with 66.6mm of rain falling. The wettest day was on the 8th with 11.1mm of rain.

UK stats
The highest during the month and the lowest minimum will be updated when they are published. The CET ended up at 13.53c -0.1c below the long term average. This is the 2nd month this year with a slightly below average temperature in 2017. For the last month or so we have been on the cold side of the jet stream after being on the warm side for more than 13 months. I think the weather has flipped into a slightly cooler phase which if you want a cold winter it is increasingly likely. Next month I will look at the coming winter and the probability of colder or warmer season.
Looking ahead to October
October is looking like more of the same from September although the Azores high might be making more of an appearance during the first part of the month. This might bring our first widespread frosts of the month but during the day it should be fairly warm in any sunshine. In September we didn’t have any northerly winds but this will change in the first week of October.
Watford Stats – Summary for September 2017
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 13.9
Mean (min+max) 14.5
Mean Minimum 9.8
Mean Maximum 19.2
Minimum 5.0 day 01
Maximum 23.5 day 02
Highest Minimum 15.8 day 04
Lowest Maximum 16.3 day 16
Air frosts 0
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 66.6
Wettest day 11.1 day 08
High rain rate 14.4 day 08
Rain days 22
Dry days 8
Wind (mph):
Highest Gust 10.7 day 13
Average Speed 0.4
Wind Run 363.7 miles
Gale days 0
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1032.9 day 02
Minimum 0.0 day 01
Met Office –
Real time Watford Weather –
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Weather Outlook – httpss://
August 2017 –