September 2016 was a remarkable month not only in Watford but across the UK. It was the equal 2nd warmest September since records began in 1910. For the CET area which is the worlds longest weather series going back to 1675 it was the 5th warmest. The final figure came out at 16.03c an anormally of 2.4c above average.
In Watford the highest temperature I recorded was 31.4c on the 13th with the coldest day on the 18th 16.7c. There were some remarkable rainy days in which i recorded my highest daily rainfall in the 30+ years of recording weather stats. On the 13th 105.3mm fell in a 24 hour period in thunderstorms. Full stats for the month are listed below.
October weather has been a complete opposite to the previous month with much cooler weather but dry and mostly sunny with high pressure. More about this at the end of the month.
Summary for September 2016 in Watford
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 17.3
Mean (min+max) 17.7
Mean Minimum 13.4
Mean Maximum 22.1
Minimum 8.3 day 10
Maximum 31.4 day 13
Highest Minimum 18.3 day 06
Lowest Maximum 16.7 day 18
Air frosts 0
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 131.3
Wettest day 105.3 day 17
High rain rate 90.0 day 15
Rain days 13
Dry days 16
Wind (m/s):
Highest Gust 4.4 day 29
Average Speed 0.1
Wind Run 303.9 km
Gale days 0
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1030.9 day 01
Minimum 1000.2 day 24
Days with snow falling 0
Days with snow lying at 0900 0
Total hours of sunshine 0.0