November has been an average month across the UK, with some warm spells but ending with a cold spell and the first snow on the eastern side of the country. Even in Watford we had our first flurries of snow on the final day of the month. End of the month also spelled the end of Autumn (meteorological). Its been a relatively average season with September just below average, October 1.7c above normal & November looking like 0.2c above normal. The CET for November ended up at 6.82c which was 0.2c above average.

Watford Stats
In Watford our highest temperature was 15.7c on the 1st with the lowest -2.8c on the 24th. 6 air frosts occurred which is more than the entire last winter! It was an average month for rain with 31.8mm falling with the wettest day being the 10th when 7.2mm of rain fell. The majority of the days were dry (16) when no rain fell plus the windiest day was the 22nd. On the last day of the month we had snow falling. You can see more of the statistics below in the table.

UK Stats
The highest temperature in the UK was 16.8c on the 2nd at Chivenor (Devon) with the lowest temperature being -6.9c on the 30th at Bewcastle (Cumbria). The wettest place was in the west of the country at Hazelrigg (Lancashire) where 73.6mm or rain fell in 24 hours on the 23rd. It has been predominately westerly winds all month with northerly incursions at the end of the month. Also the highest snow depth was at Fettercairn (Kincardineshire) where there was 10cm on the 30th.

Looking ahead to December
The early signs are that December will be cooler than average, with spells of northerly winds, which will get colder over time. Some places at the beginning of the month would have had more snow than the last 5 years put together. The 2nd week is looking interesting with a more vigorous low pressure system plunging down the north sea. This could bring record storm surges and blizzards inland. In the run up to Christmas it is looking like it will be mild but I would say this is only 50% as there have been lots of the computer models showing cold weather close by.

Watford Stats – Summary for November 2017
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 6.9
Mean (min+max) 7.0
Mean Minimum 3.2
Mean Maximum 10.8
Minimum -2.8 day 24
Maximum 15.7 day 01
Highest Minimum 11.2 day 21
Lowest Maximum 4.0 day 30
Air frosts 6
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 31.8
Wettest day 7.2 day 10
High rain rate 3.0 day 03
Rain days 14
Dry days 16
Wind (mph):
Highest Gust 19.7 day 22
Average Speed 2.1
Wind Run 768.8 miles
Gale days 0
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1038.3 day 17
Minimum 993.3 day 22
Days with snow falling 1
Days with snow lying at 0900 0
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