Tag: london

Platinum Jubilee – The Pageant

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pageant What a wonderful end to the long weekend celebrating the Queen’s seventy years on the throne. The Pageant was spectacular,

Japan : Courts and Culture Exhibition

Japan: Courts and Culture Exhibition

In April 2022, the Queen’s Gallery opened its doors to showcase a brand new exhibition. Entitled “350 Years of Japanese Art and Design”, this display

Trooping the Colour - Queens 90th birthday

Platinum Jubilee for Photographers

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee for photographers As any photographer knows, a good photo is all about timing. Capturing a decisive moment that cannot be repeated.

Trooping the Colour - Queens 90th birthday

Queen’s Jubilee Weather

Queen’s Jubilee Weather over the Platinum Jubilee Weekend 2022 As the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee approaches with the long bank holiday weekend, we can’t help but

Colour Walk in Spitalfields Market

A Get Together of Colourful People in Londons Old Spitalfields Market If you’re ever feeling down and need a quick pick-me-up, head on over to

Surrealism Beyond Borders Tate Modern

If you’re in London between now and the end of August, be sure to check out the Tate Modern’s newest Surrealism Beyond Borders exhibition. This

Lubaina Himid Exhibtion Tate Modern

Turner prize-winning artist Lubaina Himid has a new retrospective exhibition which opens at the Tate Modern on the 25th of November. One of the most

Mayfair Sculpture Trail 2021

Summer is here and what better way to experience some art than by going on a sculpture trail along the streets of Mayfair. The trail

Fireworks in London

2020 A Year in Photos – Part 1

What a year it has been 2020! A crazy year when the world turns upside down. We have been living through historic times which will

Flash mob with Pierre Garroudi

The flamboyant fashion design Pierre Garroudi has started back his flash mobs across London in August and has continued them into December. Crisscrossing all over