The beautiful landscapes of North Devon one of the best places to visit in Britain. Take a look at more of my landscape pictures on

Moon path, how it was done Taken with 5 minute intervals between each photograph. Then combined together in Photoshop to produce the final photograph. The

Vote for my entry on Exposure a photography competition

Weather around the world

Summer in Australia was the hottest on record there was so many records “Temperature records were set in every state and territory; no previous event

Coldest March since 1892

What a month it has been, record breaking! It has been the coldest March since 1892 according to the CET (Central England Temperature) these records

February 2013 Statistics

February was quite an average month with a few wintry spells interspersed with brief mild spells. Overall  a colder than average month (-0.6c CET) over

Frui photography social

On a freeeezing night in London my friend Gawain and I went to our first photography social. The event was run by Frui who do

Excellent device I want one of those!

Up the Shard

At the beginning of February the tallest building in western Europe opened its doors to the public. For £24 you can now visit the viewing

About me – Andrew

Who is me? Such a big question there for my first post but here goes a little about me. Back in the 70’s I was