Its been a remarkable dry month for July with only 6mm of rain falling in Watford.

There was 29 dry days and 18 of them were in a row. The last time that occurred in my records was back in 1995. But with the dryness it hasn’t been especially hot with the highest temperature at 33c on the 19th.

Over the UK as a whole it has also been a very dry month with some places like the Isle of Wight recording only 1mm of rain; a record. The highest temperature was to be found at Brize Norton with 33.5c. The wettest being
Stornoway Airport with 140mm of rain. A complete contrast to the south of England. The CET temperature ended up at 16.86c which is 0.8c above average.

August outlook
With the start of the month comes a complete change in the weather. We will have more rain in the next few days than has fallen in July. Unsettled is the theme with a cool first few days. Gradually this will warm up and we could get into the high 20s by the weekend.
Below are the detailed stats for Watford from my weather station.
Summary for July 2016
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 18.5
Mean (min+max) 18.8
Mean Minimum 14.1
Mean Maximum 23.4
Minimum 9.5 day 05
Maximum 33.0 day 19
Highest Minimum 21.4 day 19
Lowest Maximum 17.7 day 12
Air frosts 0
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 6.0
Wettest day 3.3 day 12
High rain rate 18.0 day 12
Rain days 2
Dry days 29
Wind (m/s):
Highest Gust 4.4 day 11
Average Speed 0.2
Wind Run 464.1 km
Gale days 0
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1032.0 day 14
Minimum 1015.0 day 10
Met office CET –
Met office blog – httpss://
Weather Outlook –