Tag: november

November Events 2024

Welcome to my November newsletter! I hope you are well and looking forward to the winter months. This month will have lots of colourful lights, with fireworks and Christmas lights switched on.

November Events 2023

As the chill in the air deepens and the nights embrace us earlier each day, this is the time of the year when the skies burst alive with the dance of fireworks and our streets become a canvas of twinkling Christmas lights, there are plenty of lights switching on this month. from Oxford Street to Watford Town. Which are all great to photograph.

Watford weather in November

November has been a windy and mild month with winds coming up from the south-west the majority of the time. November ended up being a

Weather in November 2019

Its been very wet the last month across the UK and fairly cool with the CET coming out below average at 6.2c which is -0.3c

Watford weather November 2016

November certainly has been a big change month. After 6 months of above average temperatures November turned out significantly colder by -1.0c below average. Scotland

My top 10 photos in November 2014

Below are the top 10 photos I have taken in November 2014 not in necessarily any order. Rosehip in the autumn Autumn Leaves kaleidoscopes Paddington

Autumn 2014 weather in Bromley

My first autumn in Bromley, has been a warm wet one. In England as a whole this will be the 3rd warmest in the 356