Its that time of the year again when you look back to see which photographs you took over the last 12 months. This year has flown by and it has been an excellent year in my photography journey. With many adventures, two exhibitions, photos published in the media! Being happy with what I do is my main goal, as this is my relaxation & fun time, to break up my time from a design agency which I also run. I have been managing to do blog posts, 5 or 6 times a month and it hasn’t become a chore, because I really enjoy it. I have had lots of visitors & feedback, on my social media platforms. Below is a list of my most popular posts, on various platforms, plus further down I show my best images each month.
This shot, I took on the first cold morning of the autumn season, in Bushy Park, London. With a deer creeping up on a photographer.
Engagement Stats : 12,000+ likes and comments.

I love Instagram, with its ease of use and its interactions. It is my favourite social media app and where I spend the most time posting and interacting.
My most popular post of the year, in terms of engagement, was taken on Valentines day with the pink London eye.
Engagement Stats : 436 likes and comments.

Below are some more interesting stats about my followers on Instagram.
Gender : 51% female
Top 3 home locations : London, Watford, Moscow
Age : 25 – 34
This is where I upload most of my photographs, especially when I do events or client shoots. I normally link the albums to my blog post. This year I have gone over half a million views with my most popular photograph, of Paddington bear at St Paul’s having 10,524 views.

Google Guides
This is to do with Google maps, I am currently level 6, aiming to get to level 8 next year. My most popular photograph is of a football match, at Watford v Arsenal, back in 2014 with an amazing 720,000+ views. The benefits from being on Google Guides, is that you occasionally receive special offers and invites, to places of interest.

My Photography Year 2017
I have been applying for various press passes, to many events, of which lead often to being recognised and selected, to go on photography adventures, around 8 to 10 times a month. This year I have taken over 19,702 photographs, which is a couple of 1000 less than 2016. Below I have selected one of my favourites from each months, if you click on each month (coming soon), individually, you may see further photographs.












My goals at the beginning of the year was to do the following…
- take more shots for stock photography,
- relaunch my website / blog
- putting my prints up for sale
- do a couple of exhibitions
- take more video to be used in 2018.
All of which I have done so, onwards and upwards into the next year.
This coming year is where I shall put myself out there more. Doing workshops and creating more videos, for my YouTube channel, I will also do a couple more exhibitions and increase, the amount of photographs for sale on my website. Look out for more information, on these at the beginning of 2018.
Thanks for reading, wish all my readers a Happy New year and that you accomplish, your goals in 2018.