On a warm summers evening in Camden, we went to a Meetup group organised by London4all. It was a fun competition with some models and taking photos with a film cameras. Below are some of the shots I took with the film camera plus others below with my DSLR.
Film was developed in an hour and then you choose your best 2 shots and submit them to be judged. They were then numbered and placed on a table for everyone to pick their best 3. The photo with the most votes wins and one of mine won, which I was surprised about. 🙂
Thanks to everyone who voted for my photograph and thanks to Gino D’Acampo for my prize of a meal for two. Fabulous Italian food in Camden from the famous TV chef.

Other film photos
My favourite photos using the film camera, I hadn’t used one for over 20 years.

Model : Freya @freyacappelli | Film : Kodak 400 ISO
DSLR Photos
Below are some more shots taken with the excellent models around Camden Town, thanks to London4all for organising, find out more about their events on the links below. Plus lots more photos I took on the day can be found on my Flickr account.

Model : Laura @lora.ke

Flickr – httpss://www.flickr.com/photos/alalchan/albums/72157698822001001
London4all – httpss://www.meetup.com/LONDON4ALL/
Gino D’Acampo – httpss://www.ginodacampo.com/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/alalchan