
Bromley weather statistics December 2014


December turned out to be another above average month making it a record breaking 2014. Only August was below average in the whole year. The records for England go back to 1659 which is the longest weather data series in the world. There were quite a few swings in temperature from the very mild to something more seasonal after Christmas where places in the Midlands had some significant snow.

Looking back over 2014 it was a year of extremes. Starting off with the wettest ever winter recorded, the warmest spring ever recorded. The longest series of months above average and as mentioned above the warmest year recorded. The final figure ended up at 10.95c which was 0.06c above the previous record in 2006.

January 2015
The next 2 weeks is looking mild with unsettled weather with the odd spells of cooler weather. Its looking like another mild month. In the last third of January it may turn colder.

My December statistics are below for Bromley.

Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 5.7
Mean (min+max) 5.8
Mean Minimum 2.4
Mean Maximum 9.2
Minimum -3.6 day 29
Maximum 14.1 day 18
Highest Minimum 10.8 day 22
Lowest Maximum 3.7 day 27
Air frosts 10

Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 42.9
Wettest day 15.6 day 11
High rain rate 18.0 day 11
Rain days 19
Dry days 12

Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1041.1 day 29
Minimum 1003.4 day 11


Days with snow falling 0
Days with snow lying at 0900 0



Refik Anadol: Echoes of the Earth

Refik Anadol: Echoes of the Earth

Refik Anadol: Echoes of the Earth: Living Archive exhibition is at the Serpentine North Gallery until 7th April 2024. Dive into the heart of nature reimagined through the lens of machine intelligence at Refik Anadol’s groundbreaking exhibition, Echoes of the Earth: Living Archive.

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From the whimsical dance of cherry blossoms to the proud stance of tulips and the delicate carpet of bluebells, our surroundings are bursting into a kaleidoscope of colours. Whether you’re a photography enthusiast eager to capture the ephemeral beauty of spring or simply someone who delights in the joy of meandering through floral marvels, this season promises an enchanting palette of experiences.

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